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While perusing Pinterest one evening, I came across an intriguing tutorial on the wonderful art of needle felting. I had to learn more — especially after realizing it entailed repeatedly stabbing a needle up and down into a piece of fabric or sweater.

A satisfying stress reliever that results in something wearable? Sign me up. With the sweater on, place a piece of tape about half an inch below the elbow.

Do the same with the opposite elbow. Remove the sweater and insert the foam block into one of the sleeves.

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Align and center the bottom of the cookie cutter along the top of the tape. Pinch off a few tufts of wool roving.

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At the base of all felting needles are tiny, sharp burrs, which grab and interlock the wool fibers. While holding the needle verticallyrepeatedly stab it into the wool roving and through the sweater.

I found it easier to work around the outer perimeter of the cutter first and then work my way inwards. Important tip: To prevent breaking the needle, always keep the needle upright and never at an angle.

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Continue stabbing away until the surface is flat and even. Fun, right?! Remove the cutter and use the tip of the needle to reign in any stray fibers, if necessary.

Patch up any bare or uneven spots by adding more wool roving where needed.

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Carefully peel the sweater away from the foam. Notice that the fibers have transferred through to the backside of the sweater.

Elbow Patches Sweater Wool – ShopStyle

To smooth and set the patch, spritz with water and press with an iron on the wool setting. I like this! Wow this is definately a diy, this trend with elbows is really nice, but all elbows in all stores have the same oval shape!

Love it! WOOOW; this is soo cool!! Had a elbow patch day at my blog too a few weeks back, but this is taking it to a new level! I love it!!! Wow, this is precious!

And it looks fun to make with all the stabbing— a therapeutic activity with an adorable end-result! This is by far the most awesome DIY.

Thanks for the great idea.

Elbow patches for wool sweaters for sale categories

Such a little detail that makes a big statement. Keep an eye on my blog. A jewelry blog. Dear, I have one question about this DIY.

Hmm this is so interesting.

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These patches are super cute. This technique is cool, but do you know if it remains in place after washing the sweater? The felt will incorporate itself into the fabric of the sweater in the same way the roving does.

This is by far the most awesome DIY. ladies lightweight cardigan sweaters for sale near me Really appreciate if you answer me by email too, I barely have time to check the internet.

I am totally sold on the heart elbows, thanks for sharing! But this is really clever! OMG that is soooo cute! I will try it….

Customers returning purchased items will forfeit any discounts or coupons applied to those items at the time of purchase; the Men’s Wearhouse return policy will apply to the remainder of the purchase. JennyOH wrote:. Elbow patches for wool sweaters for sale How would it feel on a t-shirt for example? Nice to find the tutorial online!

Such a brilliant idea! Felting is SO much fun!

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And roving is so beautiful! Love this post and am totally adding this to my DIY-do list. Really good idea!! Would love to hear from you xxx.

Elbow patches for wool sweaters for sale juniors

I am a little bit obsessed. I am slightly allergic to wool so an entire sweater of it would send me over the edge but if it were just the elbows I could totally handle it.

Good luck! Very good idea!!

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I never even knew such a thing existed. So cool and so easy!

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Must try. Look at some of my outfits and give suggestions, would you?? I would so appreciate it! This is such a sweet idea! I love elbow patches and this looks easy enough for even me to do!

Amazing tutorial! Thanks for sharing! Beautiful idea, i actually have a cahsmere sweater i have to fix so it could be perfect!

LOve the idea: I made one inspired from Zadigue and Voltaire! Come have a look … ilovedoityourself. Oh I am SO excited to do this!

OMG, I had no idea about such incredible craft as needle felting! Btw, I voted for you on Bloglovin’ and hope you win!!!

How to Repair a Wool Sweater -The Goods

Ok I want to try. The possibilities are endless with the amount of cookie cutters I have thanks to a random baking kick I went through a few years ago.

Where did you learn about this!? That is incredible! No sewing at all.

SuzyMcQ wrote:. Potential winners may be required to show proof of being the authorized account holder or forfeit the prize. Elbow patches for wool sweaters for sale I placed the wool over the holes and started poking. I think I have to try this!

Is it removable? Like if I wanted to change out patterns? Ran Jillian no, the patch will not come off and is not removable. And wool should always be dry cleaned or carefully hand washed.

Beindolwen yes, you can make patches in any shape. I like using cookie cutters which obviously come in all shapes and sizes, including stars!

This is such a great way to add a personal touch to my old cardigan!

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I have never heard of needle felting until now, and it looks so much better than a cut-out and sewn-on patch of craft felt would.

Thanks for sharing this project! Good luck!! Thanks for sharing it. This is so awesome!! I love doing projects like this.

Blue elbow patches for wool sweaters for sale sale

Thank you so much for sharing!!!!!! So cute I love this project. Not sure if you mentioned it somewhere, and I missed it…but did you use wool roving from the website that you linked to?

If so, what color?

03.04.2020 – Material fixations wrote:. Cristina wrote:. Customers returning purchased items will forfeit any discounts applied to those items at the time of purchase; the Jos. Total Network Inventory 3.

Erica this is totally what I had been searching for — as soon as sweater season hit I knew I needed to do something about elbow patches.

This felting thing is bomb-ass. I love the idea, but what about washing the sweater? Omg so wonderful, so unique and awesome! Thanks for this DIY!

Elbow patches for wool sweaters for sale

I spent the week gathering supplies and did it this afternoon. I LOVE the results. The first time I put too much wool roving in the cookie cutter, but it was easy to peel off and try again once I had it down.

That looks ridiculously fun. What a great idea this is… Did a few myself recently however I did the stick technique but your idea is great too!!